
Friday, March 15, 2019

Live Cozy and Feel Cozy (Part 2)

Happy Friday, everyone! I'm off for the next two days and after working three 12 hours shifts in a row at my hospital, all I want to do is curl up in a ball with some snacks, my blanket, and watch Netflix. But lucky for you, I'm writing this blog post instead of watching netflix! (I have the snacks and blanket though).
So this post is going to be a "Part 2" of my last post, about 'living cozy and feeling cozy'. I have a habit of going on rants when I talk, and apparently when I write too, so initially I was thinking I was going to have both "how to make your home cozy" and "how to feel cozy" under the same blog post but then I realized I had just wayy too much to say so this is now Part 2 of my post; how to feel cozy. So without further ado, let's get into it!

My lifestyle revolves around "self-care" and wearing what I feel comfortable in, or even just relaxing after a long day of work, a lot. In short, coziness is a big part of my lifestyle.
Here's what I like to do to feel more cozy:

  • Comfy socks. Can't really go wrong here. I'm the type of person that almost always needs something on their feet inside my house. I went on a little shopping haul to target during the winter and got the COMFIEST socks ever. One pair are more like slipper socks, with little foxes on them and non-skid rubber thingys on the bottom. Those socks are actually pictured above in my blog post picture.
  • Pajama sets. I don't know why, but I really feel like I have my life together when I'm wearing a pajama set. I've currently been wanting a silk pajama set. (May ask for one for my birthday from Victoria's Secret). But yeah, pajama sets just make me feel like I've got my life together and that I'm a real adult. Anyone else feel the same?
  • Face masks. Not much to say here. Not only does it make you feel cozy, but sooo relaxed and makes me feel like I am living da life. Just put a cocktail in my hand, please. My favorite mask I've found so far was from Target. And it's not just me that thinks it's amazing, but I had my good friend try it on one night when we were hanging out and, yes it does sting for a bit, but when you take it off.... omg. It feels like I have a new face. And I can never tell with any other face masks I've used before, but THIS ONE, honestly makes my skin look more bright and seems to make any blackheads disappear. I'll link it here, just click on the pic!
  • Journaling. This is something I personally need to do more of. They have so many cool journals you can get for whatever your interest is! I currently use a blank journal that I got from Barnes and Noble where I write some poetry or whatever is on my mind. (It's a beautiful red leather journal made in Italy. Tip: find a beautiful journal that makes you want to stare at so that way you WILL write in it). I also have a journal with "300 writing prompts" that I got from Target. (Side note: one of my major goals in life is to write a book one day. I LOVE writing). They also have gratitude journals, prayer journals, mindfulness journals, really anything. It's great to use either first thing when you wake up in the morning, instead of reaching for your phone (we all know we're guilty of this) and also right before you go to bed to clear your mind.
  • Tea/Coffee/Hot Chocolate. Whatever you're in the mood for, it doesn't matter! I prefer tea at night before bed and hot chocolate on a cold/rainy day. Something about it appealing to multiple senses makes it so lovely to me.
  • A good movie/documentary. If you're feeling like just chilling and bringing on the cozy vibes, find a great movie or documentary to watch! I'm picky so I may do a bit of research before finding something that I want to watch, like watching trailers on youtube.
  • Clean up your house! I personally cannot relax if my house is a mess. In order to get into my comfy and coziest element, I need my house to be clean. So bring out the vacuum before cuddling up in your bed or on the couch.
  • Candles and air diffusers. When you wanna get in the mood for a cozy night, ya need a candle or an air diffuser. Air diffusers are pretty cheap on amazon. I know Doterra products are very in right now, but I honestly don't understand the hype. Their scents are just SO harsh to me. So my favorite types of oil to put in the diffuser are the kind you get from.. hmm, what would you call them? Hippy stores? Haha, I'm not sure. Okay, I just googled it and I believe their called "Metaphysical stores"? Correct me if I'm wrong. But there are a lot of local shops that sell essential oils. These places typically sell crystals, sage, tarot cards, that type of thing. I love those stores. But they have the best smelling oils for your diffuser! One that's a chain is called: The Bodhi Tree.
  • A fieldtrip to the bookstore. (Don't forget buying a coffee) Nothing says cozy like curling up on your favorite chair and reading a really good book. In fact, I need to find a new one.. suggestions are welcome :)
  • Paint your nails. Matter of fact, just have a spa day with yourself! Nothing beats that.
  • Take a bath (maybe even with a bath caddy). Okay so this one, I personally have mixed feelings about taking a bath. That might be weird, but it's just me. Although I really do want one of those cool "bath caddy/board" things where it fits right above your tub in a perfect display to put a glass of wine, hold your phone, tablet, or book in a way that will make you feel like royalty. I low-key really want an iPad just for the fact that putting it on a bath caddy and scrolling down Pintrest with it sounds like A mood for sure. Also, throw a bath bomb in there! I'll link a picture down below of a good bath caddy to get from Etsy. (I may be getting this for myself as well).
  • Lotion up! After taking a shower at night before bed, I LOVE to lotion up. Two of my favorite go-to scents right now are "in the stars" and "spiced gingerbread swirl". Both are warm, pretty scents that make me feel so good.
  • The app, "Calm". Definitely not sponsored, (I wish I had sponsors), haha but the app called "Calm" is amazing! Not sure if it's available on androids but I use it for my iPhone. Sometimes when I'm working I honestly just put it on for the background noise. You can set up a background with different scenery like a rainy day, a rain forest, a field of wildflowers, the ocean, literally anything and it's so relaxing. They have guided meditations, bed-time stories, calming music and more. Some are free but some are locked, the app is $59.99 for a whole year, but honestly I just use the free ones. It really puts me in my feels.

Welp, that's about it guys! Tomorrow I'm going to be going to the Renaissance festival with my boyfriend but I plan on waking up early tomorrow morning, making some coffee, and writing another blog post. Have a relaxing, lovely and comfy night everyone! Till tomorrow :)

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