
Thursday, May 12, 2022

What you can do to support women’s reproductive rights!

"Whenever one person stands up and says ' wait a minute, this is wrong' it helps other people to do the same." - Gloria Steinem

With the recent leak of the draft opinion that could overturn Roe v. Wade, things are getting scary for women. Recent articles have just come out that could possibly ban birth control, Plan B, and iuds in certain red states. If you are reading my blog and don't agree that this is completely insane and don't believe in a women's access to abortions and her fundamental right to her own body and autonomy, you can kindly stop reading. This is a war on women. If, like me, you are outraged that our country is going backwards and trying to deny these rights to women, here are some ways you can help fight for abortion access.

1.) Email or call your local state legislators. Advocate for access to abortions! I've created a link below you can use to see how to type out a professional email to send. To find out who your state legislators are, you can use this link. Some have their emails, others may not. After knowing their names it doesn't really take long to find a phone number or email you can use. Click HERE to find your state legislators now.

Sample email on what to say to your legislators!

2.) Support Planned Parenthood. Follow them on social media. Text ACCESS to 22422. You can also sign the #BansOffOurBodies petition online! These are easy, simple ways to do something. Remember, there is strength in numbers.

Sign the #BansOffOurBodies petition here!

"There is a power in numbers and there is a power in unity." - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

3.) Speak out. Whether it's to friends, family or followers on social media, don't be afraid to stand up for what you believe is right. If you feel like this doesn't have a direct impact on you, think of your future daughters, the women who never want to have kids, vulnerable and poor populations and minorities, women in abusive relationships, women who are raped, and women who just don't want to have kids right now because babies are expensive or the timing isn't right and that's okay. By speaking out, you never know if it'll open someone's mind or help others to speak out. It's empowering and it can always make a difference.

4.) Share your story on Planned Parenthood. You don't have to have a specific story, you can just tell them how you stand with them, how it's affected you, why this issue is important to you or your experience with receiving reproductive care.

Share your story here.

Nearly 1 in 4 women seek abortion access in their lifetime. Abortion IS healthcare.

5.) Volunteer. You can join Planned Parenthood and they can give you information on how you can help. Do it on your own time, they'll provide you with the tools you need to help.

Volunteer with Planned Parenthood to support abortion access!

6.) Attend a rally or protest. There is one coming up around the U.S. on May 14th, this Saturday. If this date has already passed, make sure to still check out the site because I believe they will continue to have more rallies! Go to this website and type in your zipcode and sign up to join.

Bans Off Our Bodies rally on May 14th

7.) Buy T-shirts that are pro-abortion. If you can, find some that donate proceeds to abortion rights/Planned Parenthood. I found some that I've linked down here for you.

8.) Donate to the National Abortion Federation and choose your own amount.

Hope this has helped anyone who wants to support women's reproductive rights and fight for abortion access! 

- Sam Carosella, LCSW

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